SAVE THE DATE: Saturday May 18 – NC March for Life Raleigh Bus Trip

Please save the date for Saturday May 18 at 12:30pm in downtown Raleigh for the 26th annual North Carolina March for Life (moved to May this year).
The event begins with music at 12:30 p.m. followed by a rally and the march around the state capitol. To learn more visit North Carolina Right to Life.

With abortions up significantly in North Carolina over the past 2 years, can join us and taking a stand for the sanctity of life?

Bus Trip from Charlotte

The Diocese of Charlotte’s Office of Family Life will be sponsoring a bus trip to the event.

The bus will leave Saint Mark parish in Huntersville around 9 a.m. and return home later in the early evening. The cost is $20 per adult and $15 per child (16 and under). To register visit this link.

For questions about the bus trip contact the Office of Family Life at: [email protected]

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