Catholic attorney and bioethicist with the Bioethics Defense Fund, Nikolas Nikas will offer a presentation on, The Crisis of Reason in Western Law and Its Impact on Medicine
The event is open to Catholic healthcare workers and their spouses.
Nikolas T. Nikas is co-founder, president and general counsel of Bioethics Defense Fund (BDF), a public-interest organization that creates winning arguments for life to benefit lawmakers, courts, students and citizens across the United States and abroad. Nikas addresses bioethics issues including abortion, healthcare rights of conscience, human cloning/embryonic stem cell research, and end of life matters.
Nikas is known for clearly integrating the principles of natural law and political theory with the facts of science and medicine as the foundation for dynamic educational speaking events, and the development of model legislation and litigation strategies.
Nikas is a dynamic speaker, having lectured on the full range of bioethics topics at leading medical schools and law schools, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Cornell and dozens of others.
Among other cases, Nikas has litigated ballot initiatives regarding human cloning and embryonic stem cell research, healthcare rights of conscience, clinic regulations and state-passed limits on late-term abortion. Nikas has organized and participated in the oral argument preparation for attorneys arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court addressing the issues of partial-birth abortion, Stenberg v. Carhart (2000), and free speech for peaceful sidewalk counselors, McCullen v. Coakley (2014).
Nikas has spoken at several different medical schools, the Catholic Medical Association national conference, colleges, seminaries, law schools, and the Catholic Bar Association national conference. Locally he has given talks at St. Bernadette parish in Linville. He has published a book about end of life decisions, Now and at the Our of Our Death, through Ignatius Press.