Can You Help Us Defend Life and Family in the Carolinas?

With the elections behind us, there is renewed hope nationally in efforts to defend the sanctity of life, marriage, family and conscience rights.

Yet much work remains locally as North Carolina is now an abortion destination state; and anti-family policies continue to endanger children and families.

Carolina Family Coalition, through our programs, is helping to lead the lay-run effort to restore a culture of life and family locally here in Western North Carolina.

Our mission is to defend the teachings of life, family and Christian culture through our activities including educational events, public outreach, and prayer vigils.

However, all this important work is currently done by volunteers – all for free.

We’re local Catholic volunteers up against the paid staff of secular corporations, governments, schools and foundations – backed by millions of dollars from secular funding sources.

Now our programs have simply grown too big to be run by volunteers.

Carolina Family Coalition, an independent local 501(c)3 non-profit run by lay Catholics, receives no such funding – we operate on contributions from faithful Catholics like you.

To continue building a culture of life, our goal is to grow our programs, and as funds permit, to hire staff to manage them.

This is where you can help. Before year’s end, will you help us raise $10,000 to move us into the next phase?

Future pro-life and pro-family victories in Raleigh and Washington DC largely depend on us transforming the local culture across Western North Carolina.

With your support, you can help grow our existing programs such as Catholic Health Professionals of Charlotte, Carolina Pro-life Action Network (C-PLAN), and Vigil of the Two Hearts to help reach more Catholics locally and engage them in the conversion of our communities.

Would you be willing to help us?

Will you consider making a $1,000, $500, $250, or even a $50 tax-deductible gift today? Or even consider being a monthly donor?

Thank you for helping us restore a culture of life in the Carolinas.


Mike FitzGerald
Carolina Family Coalition

P.S. Helping Carolina Family Coalition with a year-end tax-deductible gift will help grow our pro-life programs in Charlotte and across Western North Carolina.

Can you make a tax-deductible gift today of $1,000, $500, $250, or even $50 to counter the secular culture and build a culture of life in our local community?

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