Marriage and Family
The family is the foundation of society and, as Fr. Vincent McNabb (1894-1943) wrote, the family is “the unit of all social life” and “all social proposals must be tested by their effect on the family.”
The family is also a society, “a society very small…” and has “rights and duties…quite independent of the state.”, as Pope Leo XIII wrote in 1891.
Pope Leo XIII also wrote, in Arcanum Divinae, that marriage is “between one man and one woman” and “that the marriage bond is by the will of God so closely and strongly made fast that no man may dissolve it or render it asunder.”
As Pope St. John Paul II taught in Evangelium Vitae, that “the role of the family in building a culture of life is decisive and irreplaceable.”
However, over the last century the institutions of marriage and the family been undermined in various ways including:
- Divorce, new definitions of marriage and same sex unions
- Contraception and falling birthrates
- Gender ideology
- Economic and social pressures
- Secularized education and mass media
- Disordered understanding of sexuality
- Denigration of fatherhood and motherhood
To restore the culture, St. John Paul II proposed during his 1999 visit to the United States, “a new evangelization, must include a special emphasis on the family and the renewal of Christian marriage.”
The Carolina Family Coalition seeks to help you be part of this restoration by offering a Catholic response to the culture and reintroducing to it the beautiful Catholic moral teachings, surrounding the sanctity of marriage and the traditional family.
Through our events, we hope to enable you to spread these beliefs in your local community and workplaces – all to help defend traditional marriage and family and restore Christian culture in the Carolinas.
– Pope St. John Paul II, St. Louis, January 1999
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